اشبيليا رياض الأطفال


اشبيليا رياض الأطفال

اشبيليا رياض الأطفال- Ishbilia Kindergarten

Kindergarten (KG1 and KG2) to Foundation (Ages 3 to 5)

Our Early Years education draws on the best global research and practice of how young

children develop and learn most effectively.

Central to our work is the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia,

‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’ which is closely related to the English Early Years Framework.

In Early Years, children are guided to ‘Learn through Play’,

creating a positive attitude towards learning and developing childrens abilities and talents.

The Early Years curriculum outcomes are:

Have a strong sense of identity

Are connected with and contribute to their world

Have a strong sense of wellbeing

Are confident and involved learners

Are effective communicators.

Our Early Years team carefully assesses each child and plans activities

so that all children are intentionally taught to achieve these outcomes through their play.

All the classrooms offer a bright learning environment,

with a wide range of resources.

The students also take part in Music, Art, Physical Education and

visits to the Junior Library and language activities.

Classroom Boys Fees Girls Fees Ishbilia Kindergarten

KG1 9,000 SAR 9,000 SAR
KG2 9,000 SAR 9,000 SAR
KG3 9,000 SAR 9,000 SAR

بيانات المدرسة

  • اسم المدرسة: اشبيليا رياض الأطفال
  • هاتف: 011240696, 0114445960
  • نوع المدرسة: مدرسة أهلية
  • Sold: No
  • نوع الطلاب: بنين و بنات
  • المدينة: الرياض , الرياض حي إشبيليا
  • المنهج التعليمي: استرالي

المراحل التعليمية

  • إبتدائي
  • إبتدائي - متوسطة - ثانوية
  • إبتدائية و متوسطة
  • المرحلة الثانوية
  • ثانوية - متوسط
  • جميع المراحل
  • حضانة - روضة
  • حضانة - روضة - ابتدائى
  • حضانة - روضة - ابتدائى - متوسط
  • روضة - ابتدائى