مدرسة صناع العلم العالمية


مدرسة صناع العلم العالمية

Makers of the Future: Compassion-Inspired Innovators

Empowering thoughtful and independent visionaries to create a better world.
Empowering Learning Through Integrated Technology:

At MLS, we’re committed to harnessing the power of innovation to enhance education.

We empower our students and staff to integrate the latest cutting-edge technologies into the curriculum seamlessly.

By embracing integrated technology,

we create dynamic learning environments that transcend traditional boundaries,

enabling students to explore,

create, and collaborate in once unimaginable ways.

This approach equips our students with the digital fluency and adaptability needed to excel in today’s rapidly evolving world.

Through a seamless fusion of technology and education,

we foster a culture of innovation that prepares our students to navigate the digital landscape of the future confidently.

MLS Staff
Nurturing Mental Well-being Through Emotional Intelligence:

At MLS, the holistic well-being of our MLS family is at the heart of our educational approach.

We prioritize the social-emotional health of our students, staff, and community.

Recognizing the significance of emotional intelligence, we have woven it into the very fabric of our curriculum. Our teachers are adept in Conscious Discipline,

a brain-researched program that places a premium on safety, connection, and effective problem-solving. By nurturing emotional intelligence and honing executive skills,

we equip our students with invaluable tools for managing challenges,

building resilience, and fostering positive relationships.

Our commitment to mental well-being creates a nurturing environment where every member of our MLS family thrives and grows,

ensuring that emotional health is just as valued as academic success.

Makers Learning School International Academic Year 2024/2025


بيانات المدرسة

  • اسم المدرسة: مدرسة صناع العلم العالمية
  • هاتف: 0506268660, 0114822820
  • نوع المدرسة: مدرسة عالمية
  • Sold: No
  • نوع الطلاب: بنين و بنات
  • المدينة: الرياض , الرياض حي الرائد
  • المنهج التعليمي: أمريكي

المراحل التعليمية

  • إبتدائي
  • إبتدائي - متوسطة - ثانوية
  • إبتدائية و متوسطة
  • المرحلة الثانوية
  • ثانوية - متوسط
  • جميع المراحل
  • حضانة - روضة
  • حضانة - روضة - ابتدائى
  • حضانة - روضة - ابتدائى - متوسط
  • روضة - ابتدائى